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Digital Manifestor

How To Manifest A New Job In 7 Joyful Steps (And How I Did Without Even Realizing It)!

How To Manifest A New Job
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Want to know a secret? I wasn’t always a professional writer

In fact, for a good portion of my professional life, I worked in industries that didn’t align with me as a person at all.

I actually graduated college with a degree in accounting. It was never my dream career, but parental influence (and a bit of self-limiting beliefs) got the best of me.

See, my father was an accountant, and not even a week after I graduated, he used his connections to set up half-a-dozen job interviews at some of the biggest accounting firms in the industry.

What I never told my dad was that I had only finished my accounting degree by the skin of my teeth. It took me 6 years to get my bachelor’s degree because I just couldn’t stand sitting through accounting lectures.

I only took two or three courses at a time, and even then, my GPA was terrible. I’d share it with you here, but I’m still slightly embarrassed by it…

Despite all this, I learned how to manifest a new job as a writer without even realizing it. How? I manifested it — that’s how! And today, I’m going to show you exactly how I did it!

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My Dream Job: How I Knew I Wanted To Be A Writer

My ideal job had always been to be a writer. I found that out at a very young age when I spent a good portion of a family vacation sitting by myself, scribbling stories in a marble notebook.

And as I got older, writing felt more like a necessity and less like a hobby. In college, if I didn’t have classes that required writing (as many accounting classes DON’T), it would make me feel empty inside.

In fact, it began to feel like the key to maintaining a consistent and positive mindset was all tied to writing. Writing made me feel good. Writing made me feel confident. Whenever I devoted a couple of hours to writing for the day, I was instantly in the right mindset.

The problem was I was surrounded by this negative energy that was holding me back. Whenever I envisioned my future self, it was as a professional writer, NOT a CPA.

In retrospect, I should have kicked my (very common) limiting beliefs to the curb then and there. But, unfortunately, I just didn’t know any better.

At the time, I had never heard of the manifestation process at all. I wasn’t raised in a household that was particularly spiritual, and I most certainly didn’t know the first thing about the law of attraction.

As it was taught to me, life was fairly simple: you go to college, get an internship, graduate, and then start the job search. (Or, if you were like me, your dad would help you find the right job.)

Whenever you actually received a job offer, you took it. You prepared diligently, studying everything about the company that you could so that when the day of the job interview came around, you aced it.

Then you got hired, worked there for several years, and slowly began to work your way up the corporate ladder. Then you retired with a nice big fat 401k. And then you died…

How terrible does that sound?

What bothers me the most is that so many people out there hold these negative beliefs. The idea that “everyone hates their job” or that work is something “you just have to do.”

Maybe that was true years ago, but we’re all privileged enough to live in a world where we have greater choices. Today, it doesn’t matter what your desired job is — it’s within your power to get it.

And while it took me a little longer than it should have to land my dream job, I finally did. And I did it using the law of attraction.

The interesting thing is I manifested my new job long before I even knew what the manifestation process even was.

Sure, I had a vision board, but not like the ones we think of today. My vision board was only in my head.

At the time, I was working at a large bookstore chain as a store manager. On paper, this might not seem that bad to you, but trust me, working in retail — even in a bookstore — is far from a dream job.

I constantly struggled to manifest the positive energy I needed and keep the negative feelings at bay. Yes, positive affirmations would have helped; I hardly even knew what those were at the time!

Still, somehow I was able to leave my current job in retail and start a new career as a freelance writer.

How did I do it? That’s exactly what I’m going to explain today in this blog post. My goal is to show you just how powerful the law of attraction really is.

How To Manifest A New Job In Just 7 Simple Steps

1. Crystalize Your Vision Of Your Desired Job

dream job, application, jobFor me, this was easy. Ever since the age of 12, I knew what my dream job would be. I wanted to be a writer. And I was not picky. I didn’t have a dream role. I just wanted to write.

Unfortunately, saying that you just want to leave your old job isn’t good enough. You need to get crystal clear on the career change you want.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s say that you, dear reader, want to be a writer as well. But you, unlike me, have a singular, perfect job in your head: you want to be a journalist at a large magazine.

Well, if you want to manifest a new job in that particular field, you have to get aligned with what that exact job looks like.

Whereas someone like me would be perfectly content as a novelist (actually something I’m currently working on!), that might not be something you’re interested in. That’s how the law of attraction works: You need to get specific!

How do you do this? Visualization! And while I never used a vision board to get clear on my desired outcome, I highly recommend you create one of your own. Today, I regularly use vision boards to manifest whatever I desire.

Here Are 3 Of My Personal Favorite Vision Boards:

2. Unlock Your Potential By Banishing Limiting Beliefs

freedom, limiting beliefs, mountain

We all know the power of positive thinking, but I also know firsthand that negative emotions can be the biggest roadblock toward achieving a desired outcome.

Banishing limiting beliefs is one of the key steps to any manifestation practice. It’s also the one thing that requires the most introspection and hard work.

But what are limiting beliefs? Simply put, they are self-imposed assumptions that a person holds about themselves, others, or the world. These beliefs constrain one’s potential and hinder personal growth or success.

For a simple example, look at the photo above of the woman sitting on top of a mountain. For some people, the idea of climbing a mountain seems impossible. They think it is something they can never do. This is an example of a limiting belief.

Others, meanwhile, look at that mountain and see nothing but new possibilities. To them, it’s just nothing thing that needs to be conquered.

While limiting beliefs can sometimes come in the form of negative thoughts, that isn’t always the case. Often, limiting beliefs are more like matter-of-fact statements that we accept without challenge. These are what are known as self-limiting thoughts.

And these thoughts are precisely what holds us back.

In my case, it was a mix of negative self-talk and conditioning that was holding me back. I falsely believed that if I didn’t hold up to my family’s expectations, they would shun me. I desperately needed their approval, and if that meant working in a career I hated, I was willing to do that.

And while NONE of this turned out to be true, it was these self-limiting beliefs that led to my career in retail. I still remember not even wanting the job offer when I received it…

Still, I took it because it had the title of “Manager” attached to it, and I thought that would impress my dad.

The point is if you really want to manifest a new job, you need to get any and all self-limiting beliefs out of your head. ‘I can’t do it because…’ ‘I’m not good enough to…’ ‘No one will respect me…’

If you struggle to feel confident in your ability to land a new job, check out the books below.

Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Books On Limiting Beliefs

3. Ignite Your Potential With An Abundance Mindset

money, coins, a heart

One of the biggest reasons why people stay at their current jobs is because they falsely believe that they will never be able to find work anywhere else.

They believe that the job search is extremely difficult, and the application process intimidates them. As much as they’d like to start a new position somewhere else, the fear of not being able to make it work paralyzes them.

Abundance is one of the universal laws that govern our existence. And embracing an abundance mindset can greatly increase our ability to foster positive thoughts.

Do you think wealthy people think of money as being scarce? Of course not! They view 100-dollar bills as plentiful at leaves on a tree.

4. Write A Letter Of Resignation (Or Two, Or Three!)

man, write, letter

Before I quit my managerial job at the bookstore, I wrote 5 or 6 letters of resignation to my district manager.

Of course, I didn’t actually send them because I was too frightened to leave, but I did get a certain level of satisfaction from writing them.

Even though I didn’t realize it at the time, I was putting out the right energy in the universe that would one day help me land my dream job.

Because I had already written practice letters half a dozen times, it was that much easier to take the final step when the time actually came. It was this energy that ultimately led to me manifesting a new job.

So, my advice to you? Write a resignation letter of your own! Write it and even put the exact date on it! Change usually doesn’t happen overnight, so you might not want to put tomorrow’s date down, but creating a realistic timeline for manifesting a new job can help make it a reality.

You can even make writing a letter part of your daily routine! Think of it like journaling, which can be an incredibly powerful tool when used consistently.

And if you want to get creative, we can throw in another manifestation technique: practicing gratitude. As cathartic as it may be to let out all your frustrations in your resignation letter, take a few deep breaths and try to list out the positives you’ve gained by working there.

And if not, just keep a traditional gratitude journal. Learn how to feel positive about your own experiences and stop living in the present tense. If you have resentment toward a specific person, learn to let go. Stay focused on the task at hand: building your dream career.

After all, manifesting a new opportunity is all about releasing attachment from everything holding you back. If you’ve convinced there aren’t any job opportunities out there, you won’t recognize a new career opportunity even when it’s right under your nose.

If, however, you keep the right mindset, stay positive, and truly believe that a new job is just around the corner, your new career will be a reality faster than you could possibly imagine.

5. Imagine the Day You Say Goodbye to Your Current Job

farewell, say goodbye, bye

This is a true story…

My work bestie, Margaret, would be my go-to person to vent all my frustrations. And I would often tell her that one day, I would leave retail and get the dream job I always desired.

I told her that I would slowly build up my own business and would get it to the point where it made me more money than my current position did. And once that happened, I would simply just not show up to work one day.

I wouldn’t give two weeks or provide any type of notice. I would just send the letter of resignation — effective immediately — and call it a day.

This way, I would burn any bridges I had with the company and would never be able to go back, even if I wanted to. (Fun fact: the particular chain I worked for actually went out of business not long after I left.)

And you know what? That’s exactly what I did!

In the process of telling Margaret over and over again about how I was going to create my own perfect job, I was using the law of attraction to make it a reality.

Now, I wanted to create my own freelancing business where I could work for myself and be my own boss, but your dream job might look totally different. When it comes to job manifestation, no two people will have the same exact vision. That’s just how manifestation works.

So if you dream of quitting your job as a personal assistant and favor a job where you’re the executive, get clear on that image. If you want to go back to school, get a different degree, and then land your dream job, get clear on exactly how that can become a reality.

In short, if you want to manifest a job, you can’t just talk about it — you have to put in the mental work to make it a reality.

6. Stay Positive, Get Busy, And Start Hunting

binoculars, person, look out

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to land a new job is that they falsely believe new possibilities are going to fall into their lap out of thin air.

I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but it doesn’t work that way. The universe only gives you back the energy that you give to it, and if you’re not willing to put in a bit of work to manifest a job, you’re not going to get very far.

Here are a few tips for putting on consistent work to make your dream job a reality. First off, understand the power of persistence. If you’re looking for a book that clearly articulates this, I strongly suggest picking up a copy of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

The Compound Effect book
There are a handful of books I make it a point to read every single year, and this is one of them. Simply put, compounding efforts performed on a consistent basis almost invariably add up to success in the long run.

So, if you want a new job, resolving to do a single application a day will give you a greater chance of success than applying to five places one Saturday afternoon.

Second, always do your best to keep an open mind when job hunting. Even if you read a description that doesn’t sound like your dream job, understand that it very well may be. Remember, you put out the energy to go job hunting, and the universe put that job posting in front of you for a reason.

Beyond that, NEVER tell yourself you’re underqualified. I don’t care if you don’t have ANY of the desired skills for that new position; if you truly believe you’d be a good fit for the job, apply anyway.

Don’t ever tell yourself ‘no’; let the hiring manager do that.

And lastly, go to networking events. I love these because they’re like little pockets of positive energy. Think about it: you have businesses and companies looking to hire new employees and hungry workers searching for a new job. No matter how you look at it, it’s a win-win scenario, and it’s places like these that make universal magic happen.

7. Use Job Affirmations To Stay On Course

positive, qualities, character

If you’re looking for a simple, easy way to supplement your search for a new job, tried and true affirmations can never hurt.

After all, if you want to manifest a job, half the battle comes down to believing you are worthy of a new job in the first place.

Job affirmations are positive statements or mantras you can repeat mentally or out loud to cultivate a positive mindset regarding job manifestation.

These affirmations are intended to overcome negative beliefs, boost self-confidence, and align oneself with professional aspirations.

Here Are A Few Examples:

  1. I am deserving of a fulfilling and prosperous career.
  2. Every day I become more skilled and knowledgeable in my field.
  3. I am open to new opportunities and challenges that help me grow.
  4. My contributions to my workplace are valuable and recognized.
  5. I attract jobs that align with my passions and skills.
  6. Every rejection is a redirection to something better.
  7. I am surrounded by supportive colleagues and a positive work environment.
  8. My dream job is within my reach and is coming towards me.
  9. I am confident in my abilities and skills.
  10. Each day at work brings new chances to shine and grow.

The wonderful thing about affirmations is that they can be as unique as you are. So don’t be afraid to get creative!

Takeaways: The Future Is Now

Never put off tomorrow what you can start today. That is my mantra when it comes to life in general, and it is one you should also adopt when it comes to your job search.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and slow and steady persistence will always pay off in the end.

If you wake up every day and decide to go out there with contagious positivity, it won’t be long until good things start coming your way.

Always believe in yourself, dear reader, because I certainly do! And cheers to positive change coming your way!


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